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Over the last 15 years the prices for original comic artwork have gone through the roof - and many would say to the moon! Original comic artworks that were selling for $500 in 2003 can be selling for 10-50X that amount today depending on the artist, title of the book, or characters rendered on the page. It makes keeping up with the value or original comic art almost impossible.

While our website might not be able to give you definitive answers to your valuation questions, hopefully we'll be able to help you make a more informed estimation by showing you were to look for more information and historical sales data.

Sorry, we cannot provide you with a valuation for your artwork or comic art collection for insurance purposes!

Historical Sales Research

There are plenty of places online where you can research original comic art sales prices. Below are a few suggestions.

Comic Art Fans has been compiling historical sales data for many years from Auction Houses to Comic Art Dealers. They have more than 400k results which total more than $250,000,000 in realized prices. To access the data you need to be an annual Market Data Subscriber on their website. The cost is $75 US.

Heritage Auctions has auctioned off some pieces of original comic art that have realized the highest prices seen in recent years. They have all their past sales on their website and all you have to do is register for their website to view their past prices.

ebay has been around for quite sometime, and while it isn't the place it used to be for original comic art sales, many collectors and dealers still sell their artwork on ebay. Click Here to use their advanced search to research past sales on their website. In the Search Including section, be sure to check the button labeled Past Sales. While not stated, ebay typically maintains about 90 days of past sales history for you to search on.

Helpful Books and Guides

The Comic Art Price Guide by Jerry Weist
Third Edition

While there isn't a true definitive published guide to comic art values, this 500 page book does an decent giving you a foundation for price ranges for comic art when it was published in 2011. It will always be a valuable resource to any original comic art collector. It is available on Amazon, and you can still pick up the hard cover edition on ebay.

The Overstreet Guide
To Collecting Comic & Animation Art

Overstreet has been publishing a Comic Price Guide for years, and this was their 2013 How To Guide to collecting original comic art and animation . It is available on Amazon.

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